Enhance your stay with our app

Download our Princess Hotels app now on iOS or Android and enjoy all the benefits and features available to you.

Princess Hotels

A new way to travel

Discover all our hotels in a single click.

Princess Hotels

Want to find out about daily activities? Find out how far the pool is from the restaurant? With our app, you can consult the activities programme, explore the interactive map or read the latest hotel news, among many other options, all in one place!

Our app allows you to keep up to date with all the services and facilities on offer at each of our hotels, including restaurant reservations, opening times and all the benefits that come with a Princess holiday.

Princess Hotels
Princess Hotels

Find what you’re looking for in our interactive Map

Thanks to the interactive map of our app you can see the exact location of our facilities and move around the hotel as if you were in your own home.

In addition, you can also check in real time which services are available and which are temporarily closed, all without leaving our app!

Benefits of using the Princess App


Explore the schedules of all the leisure options we offer.


Stay informed about all the facilities you have at your fingertips.


Take a look at our entire range of services.


Check the menus in all our restaurants, and manage your reservations quickly and easily.

Sustainability programme

Access all the actions carried out under our social responsibility programme.

Interactive map

We provide an interactive map so you can locate the services and facilities at your hotel at all times.

Download our app on iOS or Android and discover all the benefits and functionalities it offers.